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  Many organisations profess to embrace equality and diversity yet often do not appreciate the seriousness of such a claim. On closer examination, you will often find words such as ‘valuing each other’, ‘fairness’ and ‘respect’ embedded in their mission and value statement. You will also find that HR departments have been proactive in writing..

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  A message to Managers: Do we really know what employees are going through in their personal lives when we identify a workplace issue? We should always ask ourselves this question first and foremost, and ascertain any underlying causes that may give rise to a change in behaviour, performance issue or ability to cope.  You..

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How will employment rights be affected by Brexit? It is too early to say for definite what the impact of Brexit will have on employment protection as the Brexit bill is still making its way through Parliament. However, we do know that clause 1 of the Bill repeals the European Communities Act 1972 which was..
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The Supreme Court has ruled, in a case that was brought by Unison, that the imposition of Employment Tribunal fees was unlawful as they were unconstitutional and discriminatory. The fees were introduced in 2013 as a means of reducing the number of weak and malicious cases, and to ensure that the users of the tribunals..
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Have you been harassed? What is bullying and harassment? The Equality Act defines it as “Unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual. Sexual harassment is the most common form of..
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